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How to Make Napalm

To make napalm, you’re gonna need only three ingredients:

  • Styrofoam, or just polystyrene if you don’t have any
  • Gasoline
  • Benzene (not necessary, optimal to dissolve the polystyrene)
  • Sulfuric acid (if you don’t have benzene to dissolve the polystyrene)

You are going to need the following quantities:

  • 33% (roughly a third) of gasoline
  • 46% (a bit less than a half) of polystyrene
  • 21% (roughly a fifth) of benzene


  1. Mix the benzene and gasoline.
  2. Throw in the polystyrene, wait for it to dissolve, and then stir. Napalm’s ready.

Add some sawdust, sugar, or orange juice to make the liquid more sticky.

If you don’t have benzene, do this instead:

  • 70% gasoline
  • 30% sulfuric acid


  1. Mix the gasoline and sulfuric acid.
  2. Chop your polystyrene finely, and throw it in the mix.
  3. Wait for it to dissolve, then stir. Enjoy your napalm.

Add some sawdust, sugar, or orange juice to make the liquid more sticky.

Note: This is for educational purposes only.

print("hello world")

for i in range(1,4000):
export interface PreviewState {
	resource: string;
	locked: boolean;
	startingInstruction: number;
	width: number;

export function getDataState(): PreviewState {
	const element = document.getElementById('vscode-python-preview-data');
	if (element) {
		const dataState = element.getAttribute('data-state');
		if (dataState) {
			return JSON.parse(dataState);

	throw new Error(`Could not load data state`);

Hello html tag